General Knowledge
1. of all the elements the number of which is the highest
a. metals
b. non metals
c. metalloids
d. none
2. which one of the following is not mixed in manufacturing Gun-powder
a. metal
b. non metal
c. metalloids
d. none
3. which one of the following has not been correctly matched
a. tin – stannum
b. iron – ferrum
c. gold – aurum
d. aluminium - argentums
4. which one of the following is conduct of electricity
a. graphite
b. sulpher
c. carbon-di-oxide
d. none of these
5. what temperature is considered as ‘Absolute Zero’ temperature
a. 0 degree centre grate
b. -45 degree centre grate
c. -150 degree centre grate
d. none of these
6. with the increase in temperature the motion of gas molecules in a container becomes
a. increased
b. decreased
c. as before
d. none
7. vibration per second of the supersonic sound is
a. 20
b. 200
c. 1000
d. more than 2000
8. a 40 watt electric bulb will consume one unit of electricity if burnt for
a. 10 hours
b. 15 hours
c. 20 hours
d. 25 hours
9. in which direction the earth moves round the sun
a. east to west
b. west to east
c. clock wise
d. anti clock wise
10. wire of which one of the following metals is used ijn electric heater
a. tungsten
b. nicrome
c. steel
d. none
11. by whom the atomic theory was efficiently propounded?
a. Newton
b. Dalton
c. Kolbe
d. None of these
12. what is the approximate specific density of iron
a. 5
b. 6
c. 8
d. none of these
13. who, among the following, was a teacher of Greek hero Alexander
a. Socrates
b. Plato
c. Aristotle
d. None of these
14. fishes continue their respiration with the held of
a. body surface
b. trachea
c. gill
d. lungs
15. what is the rate of respiration of an adult human being per minute
a. 12-14 times
b. 14-18 times
c. 18-22 times
d. none of these
16. which one of the following vitamins is not soluble in water
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. None of these
17. what is the approximate weight of blood of an adult person having weight of around 70 kegs
a. 3 liters
b. 4 liters
c. 5 liters
d. none
18. shortage of hemoglobin in human blood caused disease named
a. goiter
b. anemia
c. scurvy
d. none
19. how many RBC are there for every one cubic millimeter of blood in a human body
a. 1lakh
b. 10lakh
c. 50lakh
d. none
20. the blood of which one of the flowing is not an example of beneficial fungi
a. panicillium
b. yeast
c. Puccini gamines
d. None
21. which one of the following is not a sense organ of a human body
a. heart
b. eye
c. tongue
d. none
22. which one of the following is not the name of a reproduction organ of plants
a. stamen
b. carpal
c. pistil
d. calyx
23. from which type of the following several plants can be produces
a. a mango
b. a potato
c. a coconut
d. none
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